And now for something completely different: Bizarro Bullitt Chase Scene!

I came across this cinematic gem while trolling through youtube. It's from the 1973 film "The Seven-Ups" starring Roy Scheider. What's interesting is that not only is ace stunt driver Bill Hickman the bad guy driver in both this film as well as in Bullitt, but despite the fact that Roy Scheider is driving a Pontiac Ventura, his engine sound effects are clearly identical to those from Steve McQueen's Mustang Fastback. I suppose the studio didn't want to waste money re-recording the sound effects! But don't let that spoil your enjoyment of this rather good time capsule, featuring the streets of 70s NYC, the George Washington Bridge, and the Palisades Parkway in New Jersey. There is even a little Bullitt homage when the cars get airborne over some uneven NYC streets! The ending is totally insane!