Brooklyn Celica

A surprisingly minty Celica on the steet in Park Slope. Great period color.

A surprisingly minty Celica on the steet in Park Slope. Great period color.
Even in its semi-ragged state, the clean Tom Tjaarda-penned lines of the FIAT 124 are really classic. In later years they seem to be victims of their former popularity. Too cheap to maintain properly, too common to restore. But in fairness, it's really great design to look upon.
I had to post this incomparably cool photo posted by Motoring con Brio earlier this week. Might be my favorite photo of 2012.
This Accord seems remarkably unfazed by the massive tree trunk that landed upon it with a sickening crash last night. I snapped this photo this morning about a block from my house. We're safe and sound here at Automobiliac HQ, but some folks are definitely having some bad luck in other parts of the city.