Entries in Onboard (31)


Weekend Watching

This wonderfully entertaining video shows teamwork at its finest.


Video Analysis, anyone?

So here is a clip of my fastest lap:

Here is a lap where I was cleaner, took a better line through the left hander, but somehow was nearly a second slower?  Could tire temp have anything to do with this?  The fastest lap I ran was at the end of the session, but this lap was at the start.



Video of the Week: How to drive the pants off a GTV6

This video says it all about why the GTV6 is just such a great car.  The sound, the handling, the value. It's just one of the best V6 coupes of all time. He's just eating Miatas for lunch here.


Video of the Week: Ferrari 512M at Spa

The driver here is really pussyfooting his way around, but do I care?  The sound is still magnificent and he's still faster than all the other cars out there somehow...

Make sure you watch in HD. Makes a massive difference!


Automobiliac Laps Summit Point

I had a blast at Summit Point, in West Virginia on Sunday.  The day started out very wet, and learning a new track in the rain isnt exactly ideal conditions for me! As the day wore on, the rain ceased and the track dried out.  Here is one of my better laps of the day in the final session!