How to build your own Tamiya Lotus Seven

Following this month's Lotus Seven theme, here is an instructional video made as a student project by two Japanese communications design majors. It is a really cool visualization of how to assemble Tamiya's 1:24th scale Super Seven kit. And below is the finished product, built by yours truly. Of course, I had to add some custom details like the rims I had left over from -of all things- a Ferrari Dino kit, as well as extra engine detailing. I also scratch built the side exhaust shield-- and those little snaps on the tonneau cover? Those are pinheads inserted one at a time. Tamiya had molded the fenders integrally with the body to cut cost, so painting the body a distinct color from the fenders required removing the fenders with a razor saw so that they could be painted separately. All in all, a fun little build. I have also made their breathtaking 1:12th scale Caterham Seven, but that's for another time...
Click the pics below for a full gallery of my Tamiya Lotus Seven. Special thanks to my dad for taking these photos for me on the spur of the moment!