Automobiliac Video of the week: Jim Clark Onboard in 1963!

When I saw this on youtube I got very excited. Clark was known for being one of the most naturally gifted drivers of all time, and for being smooth and effortless in his style. This video is probably the only onboard footage that exists of him driving, since onboard camerawork was relatively rare in those days, and he was tragically killed in 1968 at Hockenheim in Germany. The narration is a little distracting, but has some good historical nuggets in it. Obviously Clark had a large camera mounted on his spindly Lotus for this shot, but it still gives a great impression of how fast he was, and what Grand Prix circuits were like in the early 1960s: No barriers, no curbing, lots of elevation change, lots of deadly objects (and people!) right at the edge of the track. And yet his movements are precise, economical, and really convey that he is complete control of the car. Enjoy!