You can help fund the next GT Racer Special! (and get a free video!)

For all of you Automobiliacs out there who haven't already seen the beautifully-shot series GT Racer, you really ought to check out this video clip of the latest project being pursued by director Alexander Davidis. He has already shot all the footage, but has turned to Kickstarter to fund the editing of the work. He has 8 days left to acheive his goal of 6,000 clams. If you kick in 15 bucks, you get a DVD of the finished work (which is going to retail for 19 bucks, so it's a bargain!), and for more money there are other premiums. So forget about NPR's pledge drive (they all drive Priuses anyway, right?) and help Alexander out with what promises to be a very exhilerating new video shot entirely on a Nikon SLR for the highest quality HD footage you can imagine!

Good news! As of today, Mr. Davidis has met his funding goal, and the GT Racer special will be funded!