Entries in Amir Glinik (1)


Amazing Harley Davidson 3D Renderings by Amir Glinik

My friend Chad was kind enough to send me the link to Israeli CAD-meister extraordinaire Amir Glinik's site.  Glinik, who has literally written a book on how to use 3D Studio Max must have quite a passion for Harleys, because he has faithfully replicated in them in 3D CAD down to the tiniest rivet and bolt. As someone who builds scale models as a hobby, and who works in 3D CAD modeling for a profession, my hat is off to the maniacal level of attention to detail here.  And not only is the modelling amazing, but Glink has done a superb job creating photo-realistic renderings of these bikes.  For those of you who think this sort of thing is easy, in the age of Avatar and Pixar animations, let me tell you it ain't!  Glinik's rendering of all the various different metallic finishes are really well done.  He even captures the slightly wavy finish of a powdercoated cast metal part.  I don't know how he finds the time required to do all this work, but I am sure blown away by the results, even though I am not really that much into Harleys. I am sure you will agree! Check out Glinik's whole site here.