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Midnight Dino

It's midnight, which puts me in the mood for a late night drive. Would love to hop into this evocative night shot!

Many more photos of this car HERE

Reader Comments (3)

Hi ! Just found out about you from a recent post on IEDEI

On an earlier post you were wondering why it is that the 308 Dino has never gotten its due and I have the answer for you ;

First off let me say I've always loved the deign ( as well as the 2+2 practicality of it ) and having had friends that owned them , so driven several myself , its a mighty fine car to drive as well . Surprising actually considering its a 2+2 .

The problem is , due to the layout of the engine bay etc , the maintenance / repair bills etc are as high or higher costs that a Ferrari V12 ! When you add that to the low residuals (partly due the the maintenance issues ) and then factor in the stereotypical Ferrari Snob Factor ( which exists in spades I might add ) and you've got the formula for an unsung and unloved otherwise Hero on your hands

From a former Ferrari owner and FOCUSA member
June 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGuitarSlinger
boy it sure would be nice to own one of them cars.
June 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermotoringconbrio
Thanks for your comment GuitarSlinger. I know you are a frequent commenter on IEDEI, so welcome!
I agree that the snobbery factor is a big issue. But the more research I do on these the more important the GT4 becomes as the progenitor of all mid-engined V8 ferraris all the way up to the 458 Italia. And honestly, the Bertone design is superior to the Pininfarina designs of the era, such as the 512 BB and later the Mondial (which replaced the GT4).
June 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAutomobiliac

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