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Cadillac's Beast in the Wilds of Brooklyn

Brooklyn's Red Hook waterfront neighborhood is populated largely by warehouses, piers, and a storage depot for Chinatown buses. So it took me by surprise last night to find GM's latest fire breathing monster at the side of the road as I went for my evening constitutional. The cel-phone shot is grainy, but you can see a rather fetching Anthracite Grey example of the Cadillac CTS-V Wagon, which bore Michigan plates. It's the first one I've seen in the flesh and I have to say it's pretty sensational in person. It has just the right stance, and a clean, mean, "all business" tautness that is more teutonic than almost anything being done by the Germans these days.  I actually think it's nicer than the upcoming CTS coupe, plus it has plenty of space for the hounds, who will have to be peeled off the tailgate after a romp through the twisties in this 556bhp beast. It seriously looks better in person than in any photo I have seen.  I'll have to start saving now, because these wagons come in at about 63 G's.  But when you consider they are faster around the 'ring than any kraut-wagen (like the $86K M5), that seems like a more sensible price.

Reader Comments (1)

The CTS-V Wagon is gorgeous in person - it really does a great job as an alternative to any of the German iron in sale right now. Especially with Audi, BMW and Mercedes all shrugging off their uberwagons.

January 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMurph

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