Automobiliac at the ALFA CENTURY Concours!

What a weekend I had, folks. It was sensory overload of the best kind-- kind of like going to a party at the Playboy mansion the day you got a new glasses prescription! For two days, I pretty much did nothing but look at, talk about, or drive Alfa Romeos, and I loved every second of it. 2010 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Alfa Romeo marque, and to celebrate, the Washington DC chapter of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club put on what can only be described as an unrepeatable Alfista extravaganza - or as I put it Alfapalooza. Thursday there was a track day at Summit Point raceway, which I sadly missed, then Friday there was the Autocross (which I'll write about in a future post), the TSD rally, and then the swap meet and BBQ. Saturday was the concours held at the Stone Manor country club near Frederick, MD, where literally hundreds of Alfas came together from across the continent in what has to be the largest single gathering of these cars ever in North America. I was so excited to be a part of it all in my small way. And I am thrilled to share with you the photos I took so that you can get a sense of what it was like. Today's post is Saturday's concours. I hope to post photos from the rally and swap meet later this week.
Click the photos for the gallery. Make sure you don't miss pages 2 and 3 of the gallery. There are over 125 photos!

Reader Comments (1)
723 2LO is a knockout.