Entries in GTV6 (25)


On Days Like These...

Normal people often ask me how I can justify owning a car in the city. The cost, the hassle, the sheer masochism involved often drive me to the brink of madness. But then I find myself on a deserted country road watching the fast-setting autumn sun shimmer off the cat-tails along the Hudson River with a dear friend. And I know it couldn't be any other way.


Automobiliac Laps Lime Rock!

Just got back from what I might describe as a perfect day, without a trace of exaggeration.  My buddy Drew (of Motoring Con Brio fame) and I went up to Lime Rock Park for a most enjoyable track day.  I had never run my Alfa on the track before, so I was really worrying something would break, but I'm happy to report that despite its 28 years of age, my car held its own gallantly, even keeping up with some badly-driven modern machinery!  Much to my pleasure there was another GTV6 present at the event, and the owner and I became fast friends.  I think we both defended the honor of the marque with our efforts, and with the lack of any mechanical failures! His car is in the foreground, and mine is behind with the hood open.

I was paired with a really great instructor named Carmine, who gave a lot of insightful feedback and encouragement, and I had an absolute blast.  Below are 2 of my better laps from the final session of the day. 

This is the same lap, seen from Drew's Golf GTI, which was tailing me!

This next clip is a drive-by showing how a badly-driven M5 can be tailed by an underpowered old Italian heap being driven hard! Of course, with his 400+ bhp he pulled away on the straights...

My all-weather tires were not the best shoes for the track, and my stock brake pads didn't hold up so great after hard driving, but all in all I feel blessed to have had an incident-free and exciting day in my car. After I left the track, the trusty GTV6 got me all the way back to the metropolis without so much as a hiccup. Che bella macchina! The drive home, through beautiful Connecticut back roads, was just a slice of heaven. See the whole gallery HERE! and Drew also took some fantastic shots (much better than mine!) that can be seen HERE


When one just isn't enough...

Many Alfisti can't help themselves.  You need a GTV6, then an Alfetta GT, and an Alfetta track car as well.  Naturally.  Best part is, you could have all 3 of these cars for well under 20 grand.  Talk about a bargain!


The weather outside is frightful...

This great photo was posted on the Alfa BB a while back, by an NYC GTV6 owner! While today's NYC snow is far deeper, it made me think of this image.


Guest column at Motoring Con Brio

Last week, I wrote a guest column for my friend over at Motoring Con Brio.

If you aren't already sick of hearing about my Alfa GTV6, check it out here. His photos came out spectacular!