Entries in Ferrari (69)


Monday Moment of Zen

You've got your GT4 down to primer. What color would you choose?This is hypothetical. I have no plans to repaint mine!


Automobiliac's top 10 racing engine sounds

For no reason, I decided to list my top 10 favorite racing engines.  These are my personal favorites. Please feel free to share your own in the comment thread!

1) Matra V-12: Sounds like the wrath of the gods.

2) Aston Martin Straight Six: Smooth, with a wonderful guttural undertone.

3) Alfa Romeo Jano Supercharged Inline 8: The closest man has come to making a machine that sounds like a living, breathing thing.

4) The Colombo Ferrari V12: Needs no introduction

 5) Mercedes V-12: Defined the era.

6) BRM V-16: Ill fated car, sounds like raw aggression.

7) Offenhauser Indy Roadsters: Spine-tingling and brutal.

8) Can Am V8s, Ford and Chevy: Iron fist of America, hell yeah.

9) Group B Rally cars: Hard to pick a favorite, but the Audi Inline 5 Turbo is probably the most unique and memorable.

10) Ferrari 412 F1: The last of the V-12 Ferrari F1 engines.




When I was a young teen in Chicago in the early 90s, Michael Jordan was bigger than god.  And if god drove a car in 1990, it would be a black 512 TR, parked in the "employee lot" of Chicago stadium. It was a good time to live in Chicagoland.

via Petrolicious


Friday Moment of Zen

With a snow storm bearing down on NYC, my hope of driving the Dino in the near future dims yet again.

I made this little tribute to the "Italian Job" cobbled together from some experimental footage I took this fall on a flip cam.  I just ordered a new Contour HD cam that I hope to make some much more professional videos with in 2013!


Ferrari Testarossa vs. Honda NSX

I love this old Japanese comparison video.  Skip straight to 3:24 for the highly entertaining sprint race! The NSX driver is pretty spectacular.

Hat tip to Rob